
The Port Stephens Yacht Club provides membership for sailing and social members.  Competition sailing is held on Wednesday and Saturday each week.

New members are always welcome and if you wish to join our Club please fill in our application form. If you would like to try sailing before joining then click  here to learn more about temporary membership.

At PSYC the membership year runs from 1 September to 31 August. 

Membership Categories

Yacht OwnerFor members who own boats and participate in Club racing events in their own boat. If more than one person is an owner of a boat, then at least one person must join as a yacht owner. The other owner(s) may choose to join as a boat owner or crew.
CrewFor any person who participates in Club racing events more than ten (10) times in a year (maximum SailPASS temporary membership) and is not joining as a Boat Owner.
CountryFor people who live outside the local area (i.e. not within Port Stephens Council, City of Newcastle and Maitland City Council areas) and would like to race with PSYC. Country members can participate in no more than 12 races a year with PSYC.
Non-Racing Member (NRM)For cruising members or those who participate in on-water or off-water race support activities but are not actually racing.
YouthMembers who are aged 18-25 years, studying full-time and are dependant on their parents /carers for financial support. A current full-time student card should be shown to a Board member on application or renewal of membership.
JuniorFor members who are aged 5 – 17 years and are sailing regularly (more than three races per year) in PSYC events.
SocialFor members who would like to attend the Club for social events and do not participate in cruising or racing events more than 3 times a year.

If you have any questions about which category might be the best option for you, please contact the Membership Officer by email at  If you need to upgrade your membership category this can be arranged anytime throughout the year.

Annual Membership Fees

Membership TypeAnnualJan to AprMay to Aug
Yacht Owner$350$265$175
Non-Racing Member (NRM)$145$110$75
Youth (18-25 years with valid student card)$120$90$60
Junior (under 18 years)$25$25$25

New Members

New members are always welcome, so if you wish to join our Club, please fill in the New Member Application form. In addition please email or to arrange for two current financial members to propose and second your Application. New Yacht Owner members will need to submit a completed Boat Registration Form along with any other appropriate documentation.

Renewing Members

Members will receive an email in the first week of August each year with a link to the registration form for returning members. Fees must be paid by credit or debit card online (processing fees apply).  You can access the the membership renewal page by clicking here.

Keeping Your Details Up-to-date with My Sailor

PSYC uses revSPORT, the Australian Sailing membership management platform which allows members to sign into My Sailor to view and pay their invoice and to update their records should anything change e.g. email, address, emergency contact. Please take the time to log in and review your details on annual basis or whenever your circumstances change. 

If you are unsure of your login details you can click on the “Forgot my login” and a link will be automatically emailed to you.  Should you need further assistance, please contact the Membership Officer via email to

Sailing and Your Membership with PSYC

The Board is concerned that all person who participate regularly in Club activities, and in particular its sailing activities, should be properly classified financial members of the Club.

The Board wishes to encourage people into sailing and appreciates that skippers may occasionally invite non-members or social members to participate in some races.  However, it is required that regular crew (i.e. persons sailing more than ten times in the membership year) must be members of the Club in the appropriate racing membership category or obtain a Sail Pass for the day if they are not members of an Australian Sailing affiliated club.

If a yacht is found to be in breach of this requirement loss of race points may apply, at the discretion of the Race Committee.

Introducing SailPASS

As of January 2022, all persons participating in any racing or cruising with a Club event should either be members of an Australian Sailing affiliated club or obtain a SailPASS for the dates they are participating in events, regardless of how many times they have sailed or intend to sail.  PSYC is introducing Sail Pass in October 2021.  It is available for members to become accustomed to it so that they may be fully familiarised by the time it is compulsory at 1 January 2022.  Members will have the opportunity to attend an information session to better understand how to use the SailPASS system so they will be able to provide guidance to new crew who need to obtain a SailPASS.

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